hedge21 alpha


hedge21 alpha provides AI-powered systematic active strategies to manage currency positions.

We empower investment firms with AI-powered strategies to more confidently navigate  uncertain capital markets.

21alpha collects, aggregates, and combines a broad range of data from a wide variety of sources, and uses data fusion to identify market opportunities and risks - creating an unique situational market picture for 21alpha’s active algorithmic position control strategies.

"Currency markets are a math problem.
We solve it with AI-powered active control."



alpha21 benefits

Proven technology

hedge21 is not limited to corporates. Institutional investors or family offices in search for quantitative tactical investment support can use 21alpha active AI strategies to manage open currency positions.


Bespoke Risk Profiles

21alpha can deal with different risk appetites. 21alpha active strategies can be trained on more or less ambitious profitability goals.

Suited to Diversify Stock portfolios

Currencies are a main constituent of globalization: Flows of goods are always matched with flows of currencies. Flexible exchange rates enable economies to adjust their offerings in a global market. This advocate FX as an ideal diversification of any portfolio - and 21alpha active strategies show little to negative correlation with stock portfolios.