
It's on! 3. Treasury Chapter Meeting on 26.02.2021 in Frankfurt

Smart Treasury with AI? Experiences, Objectives, Requirements

25. February 2021, 1800-2200 and 26. February 2021, 0900-1600
Venue: Satellite Offices, Opernplatz 14, Frankfurt/Main
Language: German


Christian Held, Head of Corporate Treasury a. D., Bayer AG

Carsten Jäkel, Partner, Head of Global Treasury Services, EY

Professor Yvonne Hofstetter, Honorary Professor for Digitization and Society, University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhine-Sieg

Dr. Christian Brandlhuber, CTO, 21strategies GmbH

Meinhard Schmidt-Degenhard, TV journalist and Maî­t­re de Plai­sir (to be confirmed)


2020 is a year which we will remember for a long time. For many companies, 2020 is forcing them to one central activity: securing liquidity. Your skills, your expertise in treasury, your capabilities are more important than ever.


At the 3rd meeting of the Treasury Chapter, we will focus on future hedging processes and their support through artificial intelligence.


Can AI support the hedging process? Can it automate sufficiently and intelligently where automation is useful? Treasury departments making use of virtual assistants and smart hedging will exchange experience with cognitive machines and discuss effects, impact and requirements on their daily work.


The event will be hosted by 21strategies.


We gratefully acknowledge the supportive attendance of this event by the following corporations: EY and main incubator.


Read the full agenda and register here.